I am a theoretical nuclear physicist specializing in QCD at high energies. My research interests include the strong gluon fields achieved in hadrons at high energies, which saturate to the most intense fields allowed in nature; the multi-dimensional structure of hadrons in position, momentum, and spin space; the modification and quenching of jets in a QCD medium; and the role all of these play in particle production in heavy ion collisions. My research emphasizes observables which can be accessed experimentally through the collisions of protons, electrons, and nuclei at accelerator facilities like CEBAF, RHIC, and the LHC. I am also active in the planning, research, and advocacy for the construction of a future electron-ion collider (EIC) in the United States, which is designated by the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee as "the highest priority for new facility construction'' and "absolutely central in its ability to contribute to world-leading science in the next decade.''